SouthShore Chamber
Membership Benefits
Congratulations on your decision to join OUR chamber! SouthShore is the desired place to be in Hillsborough County! Our chamber is known for our amazing annual events, placing your business in front of the local community as well as our ability to reach out and connect businesses with the needs of our community. When our community thrives, our businesses thrive!
Listed below are just a few more perks of being a SouthShore Chamber Member!
1. FREE Landing Page on the Chamber Website with Enhanced capabilities. Ability to create & promote your events, post job opportunities, update your representative & more on our website.
2. Ribbon Cutting and Grand Opening
Ribbon Cutting promoted by Chamber and assistance, in planning and scheduling event by our staff. Grand Opening, Open House, Anniversary, or any type of celebration... we provide the red ribbon, giant scissors and some attendees (Chamber Ambassadors and staff); you provide the place, your guests and light refreshments. Photo and Press Release sent to all local papers and posted on Chamber's social media.
3. Chamber Coffee and monthly Luncheons
There is no fee to host a Coffee. Coffees are held in the morning at 9:00 AM and approximately 25-50 members and potential members attend. You provide the location, coffee and light refreshments (i.e. Danish, fruit, juice, etc.). Luncheons are held each month, usually on a Wednesday. There are opportunities to be a sponsor, host or speaker of these great luncheons. The food is always delicious and the networking is just as great.
You have the opportunity to provide door prizes as well to generate exposure for your company!
4. Tour de SouthShore
As a member, your business will have the opportunity to be a "Stop" on the quarterly Tour de SouthShore. The $50 "Stop" fee gets you the undivided attention of 20 tourists (area business owners & residents) for 15 minutes. The creative way you demonstrate makes this one of the most fun events we do. Be part of the fun "tourist" group for only $30- this includes your transportation, a meal, snacks, and drinks and of course all the entertainment and fun for the day. This is like a "field trip for grown-ups"!
5. Committee Opportunities
Committees welcome member participation; our committees are the brains and brawn of our community outreach and involvement. Current committees include: Educational Partnership, Military Affairs, Homeless Outreach of SouthShore (H.O.S.S.), and Event Committees (SouthShore's Best Fest, Trick-or-Tee Time Golf Tournament, and much more!)
SouthShore Chamber of Commerce
201 W Shell Point Rd., Ruskin, Florida 33570
Ph: 813-645-1366Email: accounts@southshorechamberofcommerce.org