New Member/Ambassador Breakfast
Join us for a New Member/Ambassador Breakfast to learn about the ways you can get the most of your chamber membership! We will discuss weekly, monthly, annual events as well as take a look at our various committees. You will meet a great group of chamber members, so once you start attending our functions, you will already know a few of us!
Take advantage of this opportunity! You've already made a great decision to join our chamber, now let us show you the best tips on how to best engage with everyone!
If you are a new member (last 90 Days) and would like to attend, please RSVP to Sherell@southshorechamberofcommerce.org. Ambassadors RSVP to Melanie.New Member/Ambassador BreakfastDate and Time
Wednesday Mar 5, 2025
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM ESTMarch 5th; 9 - 10:30 AM
Contact Information
Sherell Bennett 813-645-1366
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